950gsm 1000D PVC Tarpaulin Fabric For Tensile Membrane Structure

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950gsm 1000D PVC Tarpaulin Fabric For Tensile Membrane Structure


The 950gsm 1000D PVC Tarpaulin Fabric for Tensile Membrane is a versatile material ideal for PVC Banner Material Manufacturers sports centers, outdoor shade structures, permanent tents, and swimming pool covers. Its surface boasts remarkable features such as stain resistance, self-cleaning properties, scratch resistance, anti-stick qualities, weather resistance, UV protection, and a smooth, reflective finish. With options for Custom Polyether TPU polyester base fabric and coatings like PTFE, PVDF, or ETFE, it offers fire resistance and high-temperature tolerance, meeting stringent safety standards. Its lightweight, flexible structure provides impressive seismic performance, while its dust-repelling, smooth, and elastic surface ensures long-lasting cleanliness. This fabric is an environmentally friendly choice, offering low energy consumption, a long lifespan, heat insulation, and efficient self-cleaning properties, all with a short production period.

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Vendu par: flexbannerroll (0 / # 0) Rang flexbannerroll
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Detail de l'annonce

Annonce No: 639845
Annonce consultée:350
Annonce expirant: 2024.07.25 (dedans 22 Jours)
Date: 2024.06.25
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