Quick Fixes & Lasting Bonds: A Handy Guide to Tissue & Towel Repair Adhesives

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Quick Fixes & Lasting Bonds: A Handy Guide to Tissue & Towel Repair Adhesives


Is your favorite towel sporting a tear? Did a box of tissues meet an unfortunate end? Don't toss them just yet! "Quick Fixes & Lasting Bonds: A Handy Guide to Tissue & Towel Repair Adhesives" is your one-stop shop for mending those everyday mishaps. This guide dives deep into the world of tissue and towel adhesives, helping you choose the perfect solution for every situation. From quick fixes for minor tears to long-lasting bonds for heavy-duty repairs, this book equips you with the knowledge and techniques to breathe new life into your beloved linens. Learn about different adhesive types, application methods, and best practices to ensure a flawless and lasting repair. Don't let a little snag or rip ruin your day – "Quick Fixes & Lasting Bonds" has you covered!

Visit us: https://www.baker-titan.com/industries/paper-converting/tissue-towel

Informations générales:

Vendu par: Baker Titan (5 / # 1) Rang Baker Titan
Email: baker.titan.dm@gmail.com

Detail de l'annonce

Annonce No: 638840
Annonce consultée:1780
Annonce expirant: 2024.08.04 (dedans 32 Jours)
Date: 2024.06.05
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