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Find real metal banding with a chrome column base with our Diner tables and chairs

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Find real metal banding with a chrome column base with our Diner tables and chairs


Available in robust and highly resilient tables with real metal banding and chrome column base, the largest and unique collections of Diner tables and chairs, supplied by Bars and, Inc are second to none. Meant for optimal usages in restaurants, coupled with domestic purposes areas, these traditional retro-styled diner booth sets can be ordered in distinct circle configurations of half-circle, one-fourth circle, three-fourth circle, and also in exclusive L shapes. Nevertheless, the clients can also customize such furniture as per their specific requirements. Explore at: or call at 304-728-0547

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Annonseid: 656632
Utløper: 2025.03.26 (om 88 dager)
Lagt til: 2024.12.26
Karakter (etter 0 stemmer) Vurder

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