SurvivalMD Book (printed)

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SurvivalMD Book (printed)


Hospitals were supposed to cure us - not infect us.

Yet too often, patients are going home in worse shape than before. Sometimes bringing COVID-19 to their loved ones.

No wonder millions of Americans have started avoiding going to the hospital... unless it’s something important. The risk of getting COVID-19 seems too big.

But avoiding medical care can be a lot worse. In fact, countless people are getting sicker at home... because they’re too afraid their doctor or nurse might infect them.

Yet for tens of thousands of Americans, there’s a 3rd way. It’s a little known technique (NOT tele-medicine) developed by an international surgeon. And it will keep your family healthy when you can’t - or won’t - see a doctor.

It might seem “too simple”, but don’t let it fool you. People in poor countries use this method to stay healthier than Americans... at a fraction of the costs. If someone around you gets sick in a pandemic, you’ll need this.

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Vendu par: Jones Raj (0 / # 0) Rang Jones Raj

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Annonce No: 656970
Annonce consultée:228
Annonce expirant: 2025.04.29 (dedans 111 Jours)
Date: 2024.12.30
Evaluation actuelle (Après 0 votes) Rang

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