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How to Start a Recruitment Agency in Dubai

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How to Start a Recruitment Agency in Dubai


With the UAE becoming the technological and economical hub for commerce and business, there is a need for reliable sources to meet the recruitment demands. With the amount of new business ideas in Dubai, the manpower supply companies are in demand. Thus, it is a recruitment agency in Dubai that comes to the rescue of these businesses. They have a well-defined process through which one can get the best employees for their business. They offer a streamlined process to both the employee and the employer, making the whole experience a tad bit easy for everyone.
A recruitment agency license in Dubai is a special permit that allows you to run a recruitment agency legally in the city, where you act as an intermediary between job seekers and job providers.

For more info : https://dubiz.co/how-to-start-a-recruitment-agency-in-dubai/

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Date: 2025.01.15
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