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Advanced Data Science and AI Course

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Advanced Data Science and AI Course


In today’s world, data science and AI are at their peak of importance.
Enhance your data science skills with 1stepGrow, the best online learning platform.
The advanced data science and AI course is tailored for working professionals, featuring 480+ hours of live training, 28+ industry projects, and a 3-year flexible subscription. This Generative AI-integrated course offers dual certification, 100% job assistance, and personalized mentorship from experts. Gain practical skills and industry recognition to propel your career in data science and AI.
The curriculum covers up-to-date, industry-level topics designed by real-time working professionals. Upon completing the data science and AI course, you will receive interview preparation support, resume-building classes, and job referrals to top MNCs, including Apple, Citi, IBM, Amazon, Infosys, Google, Intel, Jio, TCS, AMEX, and more.
Our comprehensive curriculum includes:
Python for Data Science & AI
Data Structures & Algorithms in Python
Statistics & Machine Learning
Time-Series Analysis
NLP - Natural Language Processing
Deep Learning & Reinforcement Learning
Computer Vision
Generative AI & Prompt Engineering
Database Management
Data Visualization & Analytics
Big Data Analytics
Cloud Deployment of ML & AI Models
MLOps & Machine Learning Pipelines
Applications in Different Industries

Key Skills Covered:
Data Preparation
Data Analytics
Natural Language Processing
Machine Learning
Artificial Intelligence
Generative AI
Cloud Deployment & MLOps
For more details about data science and AI course, visit the 1stepGrow website:
Mobile: 8951240606

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Annonseid: 665135
Utløper: 2025.03.05 (om 28 dager)
Lagt til: 2025.02.03
Karakter (etter 0 stemmer) Vurder

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