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Plan India Empower Girls

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Plan India Empower Girls


In a remote village in Telangana, a young girl once had no choice but to drop out of school and marry early. But with support from Plan India, Sangeetha defied the odds. With support from someone like you Plan helped her become aware of her rights, and the confidence to say NO to early marriage. The support helped her continue her education. This is what your donation can make possible for other children in difficult circumstances. Donate today and get an 80G tax exemption while making a differenc -

Allgemeine Details:

Verkauft von: Plan India (0 / # 0) Grad Plan India

Annoncen Details

Annoncen ID: 671771
Annoncen Aufrufe:524
gültig bis: 2025.06.24 (in 100 Tage)
Erstellt: 2025.02.24
Aktueller Grad ist (danach 0 Stimmen) Grad

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