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The Muse of Technology Entrepreneurship: Tej Kohli

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The Muse of Technology Entrepreneurship: Tej Kohli


Indeed, there are some rare entrepreneurs who rise from scratch and become world-leading visionaries and business predictors. Tej Kohli is one of the best minds in the technical investment industry. He has spent £40 million backing up several British firms like Seldon and Open Bionics, as well as American firms.

One of the American firms is working on their development project of artificial blood, and the other one's project is to digitalize smell and taste through active sensors. There's another American firm busy with their discovery of potential video game players in the future.

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Verkauft von: Tej Kohli (0 / # 0) Grad Tej Kohli
Email: Inserenten kontaktieren

Annoncen Details

Annoncen ID: 672574
Annoncen Aufrufe:470
gültig bis: 2025.06.26 (in 100 Tage)
Erstellt: 2025.02.26
Aktueller Grad ist (danach 0 Stimmen) Grad

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