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Learn to Live Recovery Client Testimonial

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Learn to Live Recovery Client Testimonial


The program offered at LTL has really shown me brotherhood with a group of guys in which I had not met, come together as a group and achieve our ultimate goal of living sober no matter our differences.

I have built an individual bond and friendship with every one of my peers.

I have benefited greatly from my fellow peers and guided by professional staff and came to realize happiness through activities without the use of drugs/alcohol.

I have found myself not constantly working for alcohol.

Client Want to Keep His Name Anonymous

* Learn to Live Recovery also offers a FREE weekly support group for family & friends via Zoom. Follow us on Facebook to learn more @learntoliverecovery

#alcohol #drinks #drug #medical #life #health #addiction #drugaddiction #healthcare #sober #soberlife #sobriety #recovery #soberliving #mentalhealth #recoveryispossible #addictionrecovery #soberlifestyle #onedayatatime #sobernation #motivation #kansascity #kc

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Annonseid: 591170
Utløper: 2024.08.10 (om 45 dager)
Lagt til: 2023.04.18
Karakter (etter 0 stemmer) Vurder

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